
What is Toxic load?

Aside from washing your hands, and being cautious of your surroundings, here are some ways to keep your healthy this season. 

1. Trash the Toxins- Synthetic perfumes, candles and air fresheners wreak havoc on our immune systems. Our body is so busy trying to filter out the "toxins" it doesn't have the energy to filter out the germs too!  Switch to Dōterra essential oils for diffusing and cleaning.

2.  Sleep- Sleep is when our body is in "rest, repair, reset" mode. If we are not obtaining good sleep for 7-9 hours a night our body is unable to repair damaged cells, fight off bugs, or reset our immune system. Try Lavender or Serenity essential oils by diffusing or applying to your feet at night. 

3. Eat CLEAN - Avoid processed food and fast food.  We need all of the nutrients we can get and anything out of a bag or box, doesn't have it.  Shop only the perimeter of the grocery store for  fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Meal prep so you are not tempted to order a pizza! 

4. Exercise- Exercise gets your blood flowing, your heard beating and your lungs working! These all help your body expel and detox and germs that might be trying to settle in your body

5. Take a high quality supplement and probiotic. I recommend:
They are life changing!  We don't get the vitamins and minerals from our food like we used to. So it is important to add a good supplement. Be picky about your supplements though, if they do not absorb in your body you will just flush them out. 
A Probiotic is important for GUT HEALTH! 80% of our immune system is in our gut. Probiotics can help you keep healthy gut flora. SUPER IMPORTANT for immunity. 

6. Get outside!  Vitamin D and fresh air are key to not only your immune system but also your mood. SAD (Seasonal affective disorder is real) If you find yourself with the winter blues, your immune system wont be as strong. Make sure you are taking care of you mood too! 

7. Limit Sugar - Sugar builds up what is known as "candida" in our body. Candida leads to skin issues, mood swings, oral issues, tiredness and fatigue, gut issues... the list goes on. Find other ways to substitute white sugar like  Honey, Stevia, Agave, and coconut sugar. Definitely, stay away from fake sugar (like the pink packets.) 

8. Hydrate - Drinking water helps flush toxins from your body, keeps your organs functioning properly. soft clear skin, less bloating, clear mind, and a healthy immune response. Add lemon or berries to your water to keep it fun.  Make a goal to drink half your body weight in ounces every day! 

9. Manage Stress- There is healthy stress and unhealthy stress. Unhealthy stress is when we are feeling like we are in prolonged fight or flight mode. It can tax your adrenals, weaken your immune system and cause dis-ease in the body. Find ways to release stress and tension in the body. Take a hot bath, take a nap, ask for help, use calming essential oils like ADAPTIVE calming, or Balance grounding blend blend by Dōterra, Peppermint, Wild Orange, or Frankincense. Try Meditation, or go for a run. Just do something you enjoy everyday.

 Start by implementing one of these at a time. Once you master one, move to the next. If you fall off the wagon just get back ON! 

Stay well friends! 

 P.S. Want to try essential oils without committing to an entire bottle right away? Click HERE to try a free sample! 

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